Welcome to Year Three

Welcome to Year Three. We are four form entry so have four classes in this year group. The Year Three staff team are:

  • Gail Skelham (Year Lead), Arooj Cecil, Tracey Phipps, John Fursdon and Hannah Wilson,

Our classes are named using the Year Group followed by the Class Teacher’s initials. Our classes are Y3AC, Y3GS, Y3HW/JF and Y3TP.

We are going to be studying and exploring four exciting topics this academic year. Please click on the links below to find out more.

Topics will be explored through all areas of the curriculum.

Year 3 parent's information meeting

Meet the Y3 team

Year 3 curriculum newsletters and letters

Y3 Ancient Greek Workshop on 10.05.2024 

Spring Term 2024

Autumn Term 2023


We use a range of rewards throughout Year Three from stickers, dojo points, writer of the week and weekly Celebration Certificates which are presented in our Celebration Assemblies.

In Year Three, the children who did not achieve the Phonics Screening assessment retake in Year Two will complete further work around developing their phonological awareness. The children will continue to follow the Little Wandle phonics programme.

Throughout the year, parents will be invited to share their children's achievements in class, join in with the children’s experiences and come on school trips and local visits if able to volunteer some time.

Home Learning

Home Learning is given weekly and is set to enhance your child’s learning and to work on skills and knowledge they have learnt that week. Home Learning tasks cover the following areas of learning:

  • English
  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • Maths questions

Teacher contact detail

Please find below the email addresses for the Y3 teachers






Useful Links

Below are some recommended links that will enhance your child’s learning further:




TT Rockstars