Science at Woodnewton - a learning community

Children are growing up in a rapidly developing world that requires scientific and technological understanding, together with critical thinking and problem solving skills. Science is all around us; it helps children to make sense of their surroundings and discover their sense of awe and wonder at the complexity of the world we inhabit.

At Woodnewton a learning community, we believe that science inspires children, encouraging them to be inquisitive, nurturing their innate curiosity and enabling them to develop a lifelong love of learning. Our children are naturally curious and we strive to maintain a high quality science education, where children experience the joys of exploration, discovery and improvement.

Science teaching at Woodnewton a learning community aims to foster children’s curiosity and encourage them to confidently explore and discover the world around them. Our vision is to provide a hands-on science curriculum, which enables children to acquire the knowledge to understand scientific processes and develop the ability to work scientifically, applying enquiry based skills to answer questions and explore concepts.

This teaching will support the development of a Woodnewton scientist, who is practical and inquisitive; they ask questions and understand a range of scientific methods and skills to enable them to find answers. They are developing the knowledge that leads to a thorough understanding of the world in which they live, and empowers them to contribute positively to their community.