Welcome to Year Two
Welcome to Year Two. We are four form entry and have four classes in this year group. The Year Two staff team are:
- Teachers: Hannah Warner (Year Lead), Karolina Kruszko, Ashleigh McLellan
- Support staff: Karli Murray and Lisa Larkin
Our classes are named using the Year Group followed by the Class Teacher’s initials. Our classes are: Y2HW, Y2KK and Y2AM
We are going to be studying and exploring four exciting projects this academic year. These are:
Projects will be explored through all areas of the curriculum.
Year 2 curriculum newsletters
Year 2 Letter and information
15.05.2024 Y2 Trip to Twycross Zoo 19.6.24
30.04.2024 Chocolate tasting on 17th May
30.04.2024 Y2 Free SATs breakfast 8th May
We use a range of rewards throughout Year Two from stickers, dojo points and weekly Celebration Certificates which are presented in our Celebration Assemblies. We use the 'My Child at School' APP (MCAS) to communicate with parents.
In Year Two, the children who did not achieve the pass mark in the Phonics Screening assessment in Year One will undertake a retake. The children will complete a reading test to show how they blend phonemes together to create real and nonsense words. We follow The Little Wandle scheme, to develop phonics and Jane Considine’s Hooked on Books and The Write Stuff to teach reading and writing skills.
During May of the summer term in Year 2 children sit SATS papers - these are statutory tests taken by primary school children, which provide information about your child’s progress compared to children of the same age nationally. The SATS papers focus on the English skills of grammar, spelling, punctuation and comprehension and the Mathematics skills of arithmetic and reasoning. SATS results are shared with parents with the end of year report.
More information about Year 2 SATS can be found using the following link:
Teacher contact details
Please see below for the email addresses for the Y2 teachers
Home Learning
Home Learning is given weekly and is set to enhance your child’s learning and to work on skills and knowledge they have learnt that week. Home Learning tasks cover the following areas of learning:
- Reading
- Phonics
- Spelling