Welcome to Year Five

Welcome to Year Five. We are four form entry so have four classes in this year group. The Year Five staff team are:

  • Claire McGeown (Year Lead), Sarah Welch,  Mark Howes, Chloe Robinson and Rhiannon Halfpenny

Our classes are named using the Year Group followed by the Class Teacher’s initials. Our classes are Y5CM, Y5SW/MH, Y5CR and Y5RH.

We are going to be studying and exploring four exciting topics this academic year. These are:

Topics will be explored through all areas of the curriculum.

Year 5 Parent's information


Year 5 Curriculum newsletters

Autumn Term 2024

Year Group specific letters

08.10.2024 Y5 Trip to Thinktank Birmingham


We use a range of rewards in Year 5 to include dojo points for achievement, good work and behaviour.  In addition, we award an achievement certificate for effort each week as well as a certificate for Writer of the Week which are presented as part of our weekly Celebration Assembly. We use the 'My Child at School' APP (MCAS) to communicate with parents.

Throughout the year, parents will be invited to share their children's achievements in class, join in with the children’s experiences and come on school trips and local visits if able to volunteer some time.

Home Learning

The expectation within Year 5 is that children will spend time at home each week learning their weekly spellings in readiness for their weekly spelling test.  We also strive to encourage children to spend time at home learning their 12 times tables.  TT Rockstars is an excellent resource for achieving this, and we ask that children spend approximately five minutes each day on this task. Lastly, reading books regularly facilitates children having a better general knowledge, language skills, reading and spelling skills and helps them improve on their achievements at school.  Just a few minutes each night will help to expand your child's vocabulary and increase their pace and understanding of the texts they read.

Parents information meeting


Year 5 Newsletter


Useful Links

Below are some recommended links that will enhance your child’s learning further:


KS2 - BBC Bitesize


TT Rockstars

Teacher contact details

Please find below the email addresses for the Y5 teachers




