Welcome to Year One

Welcome to Year One. We are four form entry and have three classes in this year group. The Year One staff team are:

  • Kerry Youngman (Year Lead), Anna Cholewka, Lucy Davis, Hayley Barton, Donna Promubol and Lisa Larkin.

Our classes are named using the Year Group followed by the Class Teacher’s initials.

We are going to be studying and exploring four exciting topics this academic year. These are:

Topics will be explored through all areas of the curriculum.

Phonics screening

Phonics screening information for Year 1 parents

In Year One, the children will take a Phonics Screening assessment in June. The children will complete a reading test to show how they blend phonemes together to create real and nonsense words.  An evening parent information meeting will be held to provide more information about this. We follow the Little Wandle scheme, to develop phonics, reading and writing skills.

10.5.2024 Letter to parents regarding screening


Summer Term 2024

Spring Term 2024

Autumn Term 2023

Parents information 

28.06.24 Rio Day

10.05.24 Trip to West Lodge

29.4.24 Y1 Victorian Day on 14th May 

27.3.24 Y1KB change of class name 

26.2.24 Staff update 1LD/HB

14.2.24 Big Bubble Workshop

Welcome to Year 1


We use a range of rewards throughout Year One from SLT stickers, dojo points and weekly celebration certificates which are presented in our Celebration Assemblies. We use the 'My Child at School' APP (MCAS) to communicate with parents

Throughout the year, parents will be invited to share their children's achievements in class, join in with the children’s experiences and come on school trips and local visits if able to volunteer some time.

Home Learning

Home Learning is given weekly and is set to enhance your child’s learning and to work on skills and knowledge they have learnt that week. Home Learning tasks cover the following areas of learning:

  • Reading
  • Phonics

Teacher contact details

Please find below the email addresses for the Y1 teachers






Useful Links

Below are some recommended links that will enhance your child’s learning further:






TT Rockstars