
Uniform is no longer available at the school office. If you are looking to purchase uniform with the school logo on, please go to the Nationwide School Uniforms website to purchase this online direct from our supplier.

The Governors recommend that all children should wear simple and inexpensive school uniform and clothing. This must be in school colours but does not have to be branded:

  • Burgundy jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White blouse or white / burgundy polo shirt
  • Grey pinafore dress, skirt, culottes or trousers
  • Black shoes
  • Red gingham dress
  • Burgundy Fleece or Mistral
  • Navy jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan - YEAR 6 ONLY

Physical Education

Children will take part in indoor and outdoor sessions of P.E.
All children should have a P.E. kit comprising of:

  • T-shirt - Sky blue or plain white
  • Shorts - plain black or navy blue
  • Plimsolls/trainers (for outdoor use)
  • PE Hoodie – Burgundy

On PE days, children are to come to school in their PE kit.
P.E. sessions take place outdoors even in cold weather. During these times we ask if you would also include a pair of tracksuit or jogging trousers and a jumper.
In Year 5 all children require a swimming costume, hat, and towel. Hats may be purchased from school, price £1.00.
No jewellery of any sort may be worn during any P.E. session.
All items of clothing and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s name to enable us to return them quickly and easily to their rightful owner, should they be mislaid. A lost property area can be found at the main office.


We encourage parents not to allow children to wear jewellery to school.