Our curriculum philosophy at Woodnewton a learning community
At Woodnewton a learning community, we offer our children a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum so they are engaged in their learning and achieve highly. Our curriculum promotes equality of opportunity and accessibility for all, regardless of religious belief, gender, race and disability.
The breadth of provision begins in our Early Years and continues to the end of Year 6, supporting children from two to eleven years old. Our curriculum is designed to reflect our children and the local community, to ensure that we offer a relevant curriculum, which is relevantly delivered.
In our Early Years, children are supported to meet the government requirements through the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS), a curriculum that focuses on:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Further information about the EYFS can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2
Curriculum continuity and progression is covered in all year groups, based on the programmes of study documented in the primary national curriculum. More information on the national curriculum can be found using the following link:
Our daily timetable is designed to ensure that appropriate amounts of time are spent teaching the following core and foundation subjects:
Core Subjects
- English - consisting of grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), reading, writing and speaking and listening
- Mathematics
- Science
Foundation Subjects
- Art and design
- Computing
- Design and technology
- Modern foreign languages – French
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical education
- Religious education
In addition, our curriculum prepares children for life as responsible adults through our programme of work on citizenship. We teach sex and relationship education in accordance with national requirements
Reading and writing are promoted in all subjects of the curriculum and children’s skills in speaking and listening are fostered in a variety of ways across all subjects, throughout each day. Mathematics and skills in computing are further developed across the curriculum.
External visitors are encouraged in to our academy to support the children’s learning. Strong links exist between our academy and the local police, fire services and Safer Corby Partnership who deliver assemblies, bespoke lessons and messages about national and local initiatives to our children throughout the year. In addition, we welcome local authors and companies with curriculum expertise and offer trips off-site to broaden and deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of the curriculum being studied. A range of excellent enrichment activities enhances the taught curriculum before, during and after school, which include choir, dance and sporting activities, such as, football, mixed martial arts, table tennis and gymnastics.
Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development underpins the teaching of all subjects and forms the basis for our assemblies. SMSC is strongly promoted through our school values of respect, responsibility, friendship, compassion, trust and hope.
For more information regarding the curriculum click on the tabs below and to see examples of our exciting curriculum in action please visit the Year Group pages on our website or speak to your child's class teacher.
Our curriculum philosophy at Woodnewton a learning community
At Woodnewton a learning community, we offer our children a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum so they are engaged in their learning and achieve highly. Our curriculum promotes equality of opportunity and accessibility for all, regardless of religious belief, gender, race and disability.
The breadth of provision begins in our Early Years and continues to the end of Year 6, supporting children from two to eleven years old. Our curriculum is designed to reflect our children and the local community, to ensure that we offer a relevant curriculum, which is relevantly delivered.
In our Early Years, children are supported to meet the government requirements through the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS), a curriculum that focuses on:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Further information about the EYFS can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2
Curriculum continuity and progression is covered in all year groups, based on the programmes of study documented in the primary national curriculum. More information on the national curriculum can be found using the following link:
Our daily timetable is designed to ensure that appropriate amounts of time are spent teaching the following core and foundation subjects:
Core Subjects
- English - consisting of grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), reading, writing and speaking and listening
- Mathematics
- Science
Foundation Subjects
- Art and design
- Computing
- Design and technology
- Modern foreign languages – French
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical education
- Religious education
In addition, our curriculum prepares children for life as responsible adults through our programme of work on citizenship. We teach sex and relationship education in accordance with national requirements
Reading and writing are promoted in all subjects of the curriculum and children’s skills in speaking and listening are fostered in a variety of ways across all subjects, throughout each day. Mathematics and skills in computing are further developed across the curriculum.
External visitors are encouraged in to our academy to support the children’s learning. Strong links exist between our academy and the local police, fire services and Safer Corby Partnership who deliver assemblies, bespoke lessons and messages about national and local initiatives to our children throughout the year. In addition, we welcome local authors and companies with curriculum expertise and offer trips off-site to broaden and deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of the curriculum being studied. A range of excellent enrichment activities enhances the taught curriculum before, during and after school, which include choir, dance and sporting activities, such as, football, mixed martial arts, table tennis and gymnastics.
Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development underpins the teaching of all subjects and forms the basis for our assemblies. SMSC is strongly promoted through our school values of respect, responsibility, friendship, compassion, trust and hope.
For more information regarding the curriculum click on the tabs below and to see examples of our exciting curriculum in action please visit the Year Group pages on our website or speak to your child's class teacher.