Our History Vision Statement


’We are not makers of history. We are made by history.’’

 Martin Luther King Jr


Our Aims and Principles

History teaches children about the world in which they live and how it has changed over time. At Woodnewton- a learning community, our History Curriculum aims to bring history to life; inspiring our children’s curiosity about the past and helping them to make links between the past and present day.

At Woodnewton, we aim to give our children an opportunity to learn the skills required to become an historian. As an historian, each pupil will be provided with an opportunity to gain historical content, ask the appropriate questions and have access to the materials required to put forward an answer.


The teaching of History in the Academy is taught through the Cornerstones Curriculum, which is linked to the National Curriculum (2014).


History, at Woodnewton, will be a driving force to inspire other lessons in a cross-curricular fashion. We will use technical vocabulary and allow historical concepts to seep through many subjects. The skills that are taught within History are qualities that we will install in pupils to create an enthusiastic, inquisitive, life-long learner. Wherever possible, to expand their historical thinking, we will provide frequent, high quality, first hand experiences with role-play, historical visits, workshops and visiting experts, playing an important part in all our topics.


From the start of their schooling, throughout their journey to Year 6, it is our aim that through the teaching of History at Woodnewton children will develop:


  • an understanding of chronology and the concept of time
  • skills to offer comparisons and contrasts across historical periods and make links
  • an understanding of local, national and international history
  • the use of sources
  • the skills of historical enquiry


The end points in our History curriculum:

Early Years

Children in our Early Years phase develop their 'understanding of the world' as they begin to develop an understanding about past and present. Children will talk about the lives of the people around them. They will know some similarities and differences between things in the past and draw on their own experiences, as well as learning from storytelling and books read in class.


Key Stage 1

Year 1 and 2:

Areas of Study:


In Key Stage 1, skills and knowledge are further developed. Building on EYFS knowledge of the past, children learn about changes within and beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. They will learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Children will develop their knowledge and understanding about significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. As well as this, children will compare aspects of life in different periods.

Chronological Knowledge and Understanding:

Chronological understanding will be developed initially by children ordering information chronologically using events in living memory to expanding their knowledge and understanding to events beyond living memory.

Historical Concepts:

Children will begin to recognise similarities and differences between the past and present and describe ways of life in different periods.

Historical Enquiry and Interpretation:

To develop enquiry and interpretation skills, children will be encouraged to ask questions about the past by looking at photographs, pictures, stories and artefacts.


Children will be encouraged to use role play, talk, write and draw about things from the past and use historical vocabulary to retell simple stories about the past.


Key Stage 2

Years 3 and 4:

Areas of Study:


Building on Key Stage 1 knowledge and understanding of History, children will learn about Ancient Greece; they will study Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. Children will be taught about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. They will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain and the subsequent settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. ·This will include the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor

Chronological Knowledge and Understanding:

Children will develop chronological knowledge and understanding by sequencing several events or historical figures on a timeline and understand that a timeline can be divided into BC and AD.

Historical Concepts:

Children will begin to give reasons for changes over periods of time and explain how people and events have influenced life today.


Historical Enquiry and Interpretation:

Historical enquiry and interpretation skills are developed by children using a range of sources to find out about the past. They will investigate different accounts of historical events and begin to identify and explain some of the reasons why the accounts may be different.


Children will use and understand vocabulary such as: ruled, reigned, empire, invasion, conquer and kingdom.


Years 5 and 6:

Areas of Study:


Skills and knowledge in History are further developed in Upper Key Stage 2. Children will be taught about the achievements of the earliest civilisations. They will learn about many aspects of Ancient Egypt including: life on the Nile, the great pyramids and the powerful rule of the ancient pharaohs. Children will study an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066, learning about life in medieval times in 14th century England, including the effects and impact of the Black Death. Children will be taught about Victorian England focussing on the changing power of monarchs and inventions during this period of time. Finally, the children will learn about the cause and effect of the Second World War and what it was like to be a child at the time.

Chronological Knowledge and Understanding:

In Years 5 and 6, children will accurately use dates to order an increasing number of significant events on a timeline and undertand that some historical periods occurred concurrently in different locations.

Historical Concepts:

Children will examine causes and results of great events and the impact these had on people.

Historical Enquiry and Interpretation:

Enquiry and interpretation skills will be developed by children considering the accuracy of interpretations of the past and begin to show an awareness of the concept of propaganda and bias. They will investigate their own lines of enquiry posing historically valid questions to answer.



Children will show a good understanding of historical vocabulary including abstract terms such as democracy, civilisation, social, political, economic, cultural and religious

A Local History Study


As children progress through Woodnewton, they will develop a deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation for an aspect of history that is significant in the locality.


It is believed that as a result of the History Curriculum offered at Woodnewton, all children will be well prepared for their next steps in education and learning.

’A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. ‘’ Marcus Garvey